Surfing for life is one of the best decisions you can make, more than an exciting sport it is a wonderful lifestyle.
Below from Las Dunas Surf Resort, we list 5 reasons why surfing improves your life, not only in the physical part, but in the mind and soul. The connection with the sea and nature brings us back to thinking about the beauty of life.
Surfing for Life: 5 Great Reasons
1. Healing nature:
The therapeutic effects of going out into nature are widely known, whether to treat problems of stress, depression, anxiety, self-esteem and others. The natural contact that surfing implies is one of the best options.

The sea is one of the favorite natural environments when it comes to clearing the mind and relaxing.
Surfing offers the possibility of focusing on the here and now, since you must be one with the sea to be able to ride the waves. Make a link with nature.
2. Say goodbye to stress: Disconnection
The natural environment offers a relaxing contact, and surfing implicitly helps reduce stress levels.
High doses of concentration that a surf session requires forces you to relax your mind from daily problems, leaving them on the shore and focusing your mind on the sea, the wind and enjoying the waves.

The regular practice of some sport is a pump of organic agents that drive the nervous system to produce endorphins that we feel the sensation of well-being and, therefore, improve our mental health.
3. Strong heart:
Surfing will obviously have an important impact on the state of our physical health, benefiting the heart, lungs and muscles in general.
Its benefits include: Powerful calorie burner, helps reduce adipose tissue, lowers blood pressure, increases resistance and lung capacity.
In the Surfcamp, you will be able to learn much more about how to carry out successful surf sessions and whether you are a beginner or want to level up your skills.
4. Strengthened muscles:
The middle area of the body is the one that most develops and powers with the practice of surfing, this area includes: Lumbar, abdominals and lats. Being the most used for surfing.
This does not imply that other areas are not worked, the legs, arms and back receive high doses of loads that help to develop resistance.
5. Social aspect: Community
The 5th aspect of Surfing for life is occupied by social interaction and belonging to the huge surfer community. Although surfing is an individual sport, the spirit of companionship, mutual help, that good vibes that we promote so much are greatly encouraged.
These 5 reasons surfing for life show you that more than a sport it is a practice that will help balance your life in different aspects, improving your physical, emotional and mental stability.
And if you want to know more about surfing from the hand of experts, and plan a Yoga & Surf Retreat, we are waiting for you at Las Dunas Surf Resort, we are located on the beautiful beach of Aposentillo in Nicaragua.
Come and live the Las Dunas experience!