Surf as therapy: Say bye to anxiety, depression and other problems.


Surf as therapy: Say bye to anxiety, depression and other problems.

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Surf as therapy to successfully treat various psychological and emotional problems has been promoted for some years.

Important studies worldwide have shown its effectiveness in treating psychological and emotional disorders.

Surf as Therapy

Learn a little more about the benefits of our beloved practice to our mental health!.

The International Surf Therapy Organization (ISTO), is an organization created in 2017 whose purpose has been to establish an international support network using surf as therapy.

All this based on the hundreds of studies carried out worldwide, which demonstrate the effectiveness of Surfing as a therapeutic assistant when it comes to treating overweight, anorexia, insomnia, suicidal tendencies, depression, stress, autism, among other problems of psychological and emotional order, in children, adolescents and adults.

Surf benefits

Several scientific studies have shown the beneficial contributions of surfing to our mental and emotional health, to itself to children with functional disabilities, for example the Mediterranean Surf School, has a scholarship program for boys and girls that need this kind of help.

Surf as therapy seeks to be of help in the following aspects:

Emotional well-being: Positive attitudes

One of the most relevant contributions is the development of self-management, positive attitudes and personal communication.

Factors that help us feel better emotionally, creating new links or ways of expressing ourselves. Being in contact with nature is key.

Surf trip to Nicaragua
Las Dunas Surf Resort, Aposentillo, Nicaragua.

One of the recommendations to improve communication problems is to be part of a group or enroll in a Surf school, as this guarantees coexistence and development of social skills.

Holistic Therapy: Complete Practice

When we say Holistic, we mean that it is a complete practice, since it promotes physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

If you combine it with Yoga, it will help you combat stress and anxiety problems. Surfing and Yoga are a perfect combination.

Surf as Therapy

The holistic approach is not oriented only on the problem but on the causes that trigger it, which is why surfing complements the management of problems of confidence, fears and self-esteem.

Drug-Free: A Drug-Free Therapy

Being a sport that promotes the development of physical and mental abilities, if we apply it as a complement in therapies against psychological disorders, we obtain a natural “Remedy” free of drugs and full of emotion and adventure.

Low cost: Economic benefit

In general terms, you only need your board, a good wetsuit and the sea to be able to enjoy its benefits.

In many cases it is likely (if you do not know anything about Surfing), that you go to a good course at the Surfcamp or some NGO that can guide you through the process.

Attention Stimulant: Focused Mind

Surfing is a sport that requires focus, as it forces us to be attentive and concentrated while surfing the waves.

Therefore, it helps to eliminate negative thoughts from our mind. Even for a short period of time.

As a constant, outdoor practice it makes it easier to keep your mind focused and free from daily mental stress.

Dopamine: Against Anxiety

Many studies have confirmed the benefits of surfing to promote self-confidence, the ability to cope with stress, and relieve anxiety.

All thanks to the dopamine released in the surfing sessions. Dopamine generates a feeling of well-being in the body that counteracts the anguish experienced by people with depression and various forms of addiction.

Where to practice this surf therapy?

It can be practiced without the need for prior knowledge, just go to a Surfcamp or any of the organizations that promote surfing and have therapy services.

Another option, a surf retreat in Nicaragua, why?, because is a beautiful place for surf and spend a relaxing time.

Surf retreat in Aposentillo, Nicaragua

You are going to have fun and your mind and body will appreciate it!