Caring for your surfboard after these 7 tips will seem easy and essential. Because it is, however, sometimes we neglect basic aspects that accumulate over time.
As surfers, we know the importance of having our equipment in perfect condition, this is more than something aesthetic. It is a necessity, as we are in constant contact with salt water and strong sun exposure.
Just as we take care of our skin from environmental factors, we must take care of our fundamental piece, the board.
Here are 7 tips you should start applying.
1. The board in its case:
This will sound the most obvious, but yes, many times because of haste or another factor, after a day of surfcamp, we put the boards directly to the trunk.
Wrong, the board should always be stored in its case, preferably padded. This will prevent bumps, scratches and the kerosene from melting due to the intense heat inside the vehicle.
There are many options of covers, from padded to wheeled. For everyday use, a 5mm padded cover is perfect.
2. Don’t leave the board in the trunk
We live in a hectic life and we can forget to leave the board in the trunk for days. DON’T DO IT.
This situation could cause the kerosene to melt, cause bumps to appear on the board and damage to the surface laminates.
3. Overexposure to the sun: Weak and yellowing boards
Just as you should not leave your wetsuit in the sun for several days, you should not leave your board in the sun either.
First of all, overexposure weakens the board, which makes it softer or weaker. It is prone to suffer more from shocks.
Secondly, prolonged exposure to UV rays causes it to lose its color, turning yellowish.
4. Rack: Storing your surfboard the right way
Continuing with these 7 tips to take care of your surfboard, the 4th place is occupied by the rack. If we have it, we must know how to place our boards correctly.

In case you have several boards, the biggest one should be placed first with the fins facing up.
The next one is placed with the keels facing down. If you have FCS 2 fins, leave laziness aside and remove them. This will make it easier to store the boards well.
Remember that the most fragile parts of a board are the nose and tail. Pay good attention to their care when using the rack.
5. Repair your board: Even the smallest blow matters.
From experience we know that boards should be repaired as soon as possible. No matter how insignificant the blow, water can penetrate and cause damage.
From loss of buoyancy to rotting of the foam, there are many damages that can be caused by a crack or blow to the board.
Ideally, you should always have a repair kit (for minor bumps) at home and take it with you to your surf session. You can repair these simple bumps yourself, but ideally you should take it to a repair shop.
6. Rinse with fresh water:
It is important that after each use, you rinse the board with fresh water. This helps to remove salt, sand and prolongs the life of the board.
7. Kerosene wax: Change it from time to time
This chemical is not designed to last a lifetime on your board. If it builds up too much, it will generate a sort of crust and no surfer wants that.

That’s why every so often, you should remove the kerosene, clean the board thoroughly and apply a new layer.
When to do this?, when you start to notice that the board is getting very dirty or flaky. This is the signal to remove it.
Remember that the kerosene must be removed in a place that is not in the environment, since this chemical is a petroleum derivative, therefore, polluting nature.
These are the 7 tips we share with you to take care of your surfboard and prolong its useful life. We hope that as a good surfer, you put them into practice.